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Qifeng Zhou, Hao Zhou, Tao Li, Cost-sensitive
Feature Selection using Random Forest: Selecting Low-Cost Subsets of Informative
Features. Knowledge-Based Systems, to appear (SCI, JCR 2).
Qifeng Zhou*, Hao Zhou, Qingqing Zhou, et.al.,
Structural damage detection based on posteriori probability support vector
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Qifeng Zhou, Hao Zhou, Yongpeng Ning, et.al., Two
Approaches for Novelty Detection using Random Forest. Expert Systems With
Applications, 42(10):4840-4850, 2015(SCI, JCR 3).
Qifeng Zhou, Bin Xia, Yexi Jiang, Qianmu Li,
et.al., A Classification-Based Demand Trend Prediction Model in Cloud Computing.
in Proceedings of 16 International Conference on Web Information System
Engineering, Miami, USA, November, 2015(CCF C类会议).
Qifeng Zhou*, Hao Zhou, Yimin Zhu, Tao Li.
Data-driven Solutions for Building Environmental Impact Assessment, in
Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing ,
California, USA, February 2015.
李涛,周绮凤,郑理,黄越, 大数据提升灾难信息管理水平,大数据,
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Qifeng Zhou*, Hao Zhou, Yongpeng Ning, et.al.,
Structure Damage Detection Based on Random Forest Recursive Feature Elimination.
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 46(1):82-90, 2014(SCI, JCR 3).
Qifeng Zhou*, Jianchao Ding, Yongpeng Ning, et.al.,
Stable Feature Selection with Ensembles of Multi-reliefF, in Proceedings of 10th
IEEE International Conference on Natural Computation, Xiamen, China, August
Qifeng Zhou*, Yongpeng ning, Qingqing Zhou, Jiayan
Lei, Structural Damage Detection Method Based on Random Forests and Data Fusion.
Structural Health Monitoring, 12(1):48-58, 2013 (SCI, JCR 3)